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Founded in 2017 by Micha l Kolchesky, Visual Solutions 360 is on a mission to design immersive spaces that empower individuals to dream, explore and boost their imagination. Since its inception, the company consistently relied on Mistika VR as its preferred optical flow stitching tool for all their projects.
Mistika VR at the core of The Overlap Factory
With over 700 immersive projects under her belt, Micha l Kolchesky has always been driven by a passion for creating new storytelling approaches. Having worked on large-scale 360 productions for renowned companies such as Air France, Red Bull, Cartier, BMW and Volkswagen, Visual Solutions consistently delivers compelling projects.
The Overlap Factory stands out as one of their most innovative and creative ventures. This was one of the biggest and longest projects we made for a studio based in Paris, involving the installation of open-air historical spaces in Great War Museums across Europe.
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The Overlap Factory is an interactive application that transports users to wartime and allows them to experience conversations or specific moments represented by a character from that time.
The project employed an innovative approach using Panoramic photography nodal axe mode. In this technique, the DSLR camera, fitted with an adapted fisheye lens, is rotated to generate a 360 space where only one axis undergoes movement. This enables the capture of high-quality images, even in challenging conditions such as low light in small spaces.
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Mistika VR played a pivotal role in this process, facilitating the stitching process through the creation of a highly customized stitching template, emphasized Micha l.
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Scan the QR codes and experience The Overlap Factory project by yourself!
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Mistika VR's favorite feature
Using Mistika VR since its launch and being part of the creation of several important features has allowed Micha l and her team to elevate their post-production pipeline. Working with the initial 360 rig available in the market during that period and closely tracking Mistika VR's evolution has significantly streamlined my workflow. The combination of both legacy and new features empowers the VR community to achieve the impossible in our projects, shared Micha l.
The stabilization feature with KanDao cameras and manual stitching options are essential functionalities deployed daily at Visual Solutions 360 . Mistika VR gives us absolute control over the projects and brings flexibility to everything that we do. I also love the big community of Mistika users and appreciate the helpful team at SGO that is always ready to provide assistance and advice, concluded Micha l.
Try Mistika VR Today!
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