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During the Easter week celebrations, the sound of drums can be heard in every corner of nine villages in the south of the Spanish Arag n region. This cultural heritage and centuries-old tradition was captured as a 360 experience Calanda Easter Week by Ignacio Ferrando, one of the founders of Abaco Digital. His post-production tool of choice is Mistika Boutique, SGO's full-finishing and color grading solution.
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In the small picturesque village of Calanda, thousands of people get dressed in purple tunics and beat the drums for several days during the Easter Week. For the production team, capturing this unique live event was quite a challenge, says Ignacio Ferrando. It was almost impossible to place the camera safely in the crowd and I always had to stay close, holding the camera steady so it did not fall. I also dressed in a purple robe, knowing I would be in most of the shots and to blend in with the crowd.
Many hours of footage to shoot, review and edit
The level of complexity of this project was relatively high since its objective was to document a long live event in a 360 environment with many relevant things to highlight and with a big crowd on-set . The team prepared a dedicated recording script in advance which helped them optimize the overall filming process and schedule.
Even with careful planning, all the captured scenes were still quite long as almost none of them had a fixed time limit. The team ended up with approximately three hours of total footage to be edited in just a ten minute long final video. With thousands of people constantly moving, it was a unique challenge to find a good view point for the spectators and at the same time ensure a minimum distance from the camera to diminish the parallax and other artifacts that make the post-production process even more difficult.
Despite the large number of scenes and complex stitching challenges, Mistika Boutique's complete set of stitching, grading, VFX and finishing tools, helped significantly with the overall workflow for the creatives.
Step-by-step post-production workflow in Mistika Boutique
Mistika Boutique is our go-to solution for image post-production, taking care of several tasks including optical-flow stitching, color correction, VFX and final deliverables, shared Ignacio.
After the filming, the team first organized all the files in a very visual way in Mistika Boutique's infinite Timespace. Then they created a quick stitching template that was batch-applied to all the clips, which were then exported in 2K resolution and sent to editorial. While the editor was working on the final edit, the post team already started to polish and refine the stitching of the shots chosen for the final video.
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Mistika Boutique's flexibility as a key feature
The final edit was then conformed in Mistika Boutique with all the fine adjustments done previously. We were able to repeat this process as many times as needed as Mistika allows us to work simultaneously on several tasks without needing to render or lose image quality, commented Ignacio. Once the editing and stitching were completed, the team proceeded with final adjustments, color correction and compositing with drone and tripod removal all completed in Mistika Boutique.
For Ignacio, Mistika Boutique's non-destructive philosophy and workflow flexibility are truly game-changing, allowing him and his team to be much more efficient. For example, you can edit a clip and when making a color correction you can always go back to stitching and adjust an Edge Point to refine the image quality even further.
La experiencia en 360 Semana Santa de Calanda 2022 , post-producida en Mistika Boutique
El proyecto 360 Semana Santa de Calanda sumerge al espectador en la costumbre de los calandinos de tocar el tambor durante horas para celebrar la Semana Santa. Creado por Ignacio Ferrando, socio fundador de baco Digital, el v deo ha sido post-producido en Mistika Boutique, la soluci n de correcci n de color y finishing de SGO.
Miles de personas se visten con t nicas moradas y tocan el tambor numerosas veces a lo largo de estas festividades. Seg n Ignacio, esto fue un reto para el equipo de producci n porque en muchas ocasiones no era posible situar la c mara a