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In the world of immersive storytelling, technology has transformed the way we experience content and 360 Labs stands at the forefront. They use Mistika VR, the industry's favorite optical flow stitching software, to craft immersive content designed for Igloo Vision s projection rooms.
In today's world of immersive media creation, a multitude of distribution platforms has emerged to transport audiences into captivating virtual worlds. Among these innovative options is the Igloo Vision projection room, which stands as a novel and exciting addition to the immersive storytelling landscape.
A Shared Immersive Experience
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Laura Mills, Head of Marketing at Igloo Vision describes their mission: We are bringing practical, flexible, covetable Igloo-powered immersive spaces within the reach of any organisation, anywhere. Stepping into an Igloo space is like stepping into a huge VR headset but with an exciting twist entire teams can immerse themselves simultaneously, fostering shared experiences that are filled with collective energy.
Matt Rowell, Co-founder at 360 Labs, pioneers in immersive video production, underlines the significance of this shared experience, stating, It is refreshing to be able to sit down and watch an immersive film with other people, and get to see them look around and take each scene in. The VR headset can sometimes be isolating, but a projection system has an entirely different vibe.
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Capturing content: 12K and beyond
As the world of projection platforms has grown, so have the demands for creating exceptional content. Matt emphasizes two crucial factors: resolution and dynamic range. Even if you start with an impressive 8K equirectangular scene, it will ultimately become a 4K dome master (for instance, 3840 3840). But here's the catch: certain projection systems can handle resolutions exceeding 6K and beyond. To match these capabilities, your full equirectangular scene should be a hefty 12K or more.
Furthermore, perspective and camera height play pivotal roles. Matt elaborates, While aerial shots can be captivating in VR, they might not work as well in a projection system with no visible ground. That's why, at times, we deliberately position the camera at a seated height. This approach ensures versatility, making the content suitable for various projection setups, including domes and others.
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Laura Mills explains that there are a number of considerations when creating content for an Igloo - but they make it as easy as possible for anyone wanting to do so. We provide content creators with in-depth guidance and information on how to do this to ensure the content will successfully display in an Igloo. And we're always on hand for any additional advice too. Thankfully our software does a lot of the work for content creators, so it's simply a case of following our content guidelines, then sitting back and watching us do the rest.
Navigating the Post-Production Journey with Mistika VR
In general, 360 Labs' post workflow for projection room displays mirrors the traditional VR pipeline. They work in full equirectangular, ensuring flexibility in composition decisions. However, audio export and output codecs differ. The file sizes can be substantial, so it's important that you leave yourself time for delivery. You want to have a fast and reliable file transfer method and a redundant backup plan to ship a physical drive in case plan A fails.
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