Eching, Germany: August 2013 - This year, three more artemis workshops will give operators the chance to learn how to use the camera stabilizer systems from operator and artemis developer Curt O. Schaller. The workshops will be held at the Sachtler Academy in Eching near Munich from October 22 to 25, Atomic Imaging Studios in Chicago, from September 25 to 29, and at the RED Studios in Los Angeles, from December 5 to 8. The artemis camera stabilizer systems by Sachtler, part of Vitec Videcom, a Vitec Group company, are known for their modularity, versatility, and individual customization.
When films, live events, or TV shows demand action, the artemis camera stabilizer system can facilitate smooth, moving shots. To get the most from the system, skilled operation is essential and opens up completely new creative possibilities. The artemis workshops begin with a theoretical introduction to basic professional operating and a presentation of the entire system. The program encompasses the professional configuration of the sled, vest, and spring arm. For perfect walking shots, special operation and walking techniques are taught and intensively practiced in the workshop under expert supervision. In-depth exercises, matched to the interests of the participants, complete the course. Additionally, the workshop participants will be prepared for practical situations. This includes using wireless focusing, communicating with the director and the actors as well as filming scenes. As the product's developer, Curt O. Schaller knows every nuance of the system and how it operates in the real world, so this is an excellent way for participants to get information and tips first hand. According to workshop graduate, Camera Operator Robert Cain, "The artemis workshop has given my skills as a steadi operator an enormous boost. I can recommend it to anyone who is really serious about filmmaking."
Sachtler artemis: handcrafted and exclusive The user-oriented design of the artemis camera stabilizer systems offers quick set-up, and perfect balance while moving, thanks to the patented Dual Dynamic Balance. The artemis also offers long, uninterrupted run time due to the system's HiCap wiring and Hot Swap technology. The units are handcrafted at the Sachtler factory in Eching and individually constructed according to customer specifications. This is how the systems provide the perfect solution for every requirement when filming in motion.
To learn more about the theory and practice of filming with artemis camera stabilizer systems contact: academy@sachtler.com to register for workshops in Munich, Chicago, or Los Angeles.
Additional information about the workshops is available here.
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