The Future Vision Day is an imaging event in London organised by IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH, global market leader in USB industrial cameras. Users of machine vision applications get one single day packed with expert knowledge on latest vision technology and trends like 3D cameras, CMOS sensors and embedded systems. Participation is free of charge, number of participants is limited.
The event will include three main parts: after a short insight in the first part, vision experts present the latest sensor and camera technologies and their tasks in industrial and non-industrial vision applications. Furthermore, users can take a closer look on cost-effective 3D machine vision applications based on Ensenso stereo 3D cameras. As a special highlight, IDS will show the new Ensenso N30 series. The second part gives users useful tips and tricks how industrial cameras can uplift their vision systems and machine vision application. The even-present topic is CMOS and therefore users will get in touch with more than ten years of experience with industrial cameras and CMOS sensors, and take benefit of special sensor features for their application. The third part provides users with hints how to build a cost-efficient embedded vision system with IDS cameras. They will be supplied with general information and future trends on embedded systems, with information on the embedded portfolio and application examples for practical use.
At a glance
IDS Future Vision Day
June 17, 2015 (Wednesday)
9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Beaumont Estate, Burfield Road, Old Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 2JJ
(near airport London-Heathrow)
About IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH is a leading manufacturer of digital industrial cameras with USB 2.0, 3.0 or GigE interface. In addition, IDS offers OEM solutions for customized applications. Founded in 1997 as a two-man business, IDS has developed into an independent, ISO-certified family-owned company and the global market leader in USB industrial cameras. Approximately 200 enthusiastic and well-trained employees split up in the head office in Obersulm (Germany), in subsidiaries in Tokyo (Japan) and Boston (USA) as well as in offices in Paris (France) and Basingstoke (United Kingdom). IDS cameras are used in a wide range of applications: in apparatus and mechanical engineering in almost any kind of both non-industrial and industrial sectors such as automotive industry, packaging industry, printing industry, food technology, in robotics and medical engineering as well as in ITS, security and logistics.
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IDS now offers the GigE industrial camera UI-5260CP with Sony IMX249 CMOS sensor (1920 x 1200 px, 41 fps). Thus, the cost-effective alternative to the IMX174 se...
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IDS now offers solutions for camera integration into very small or angled spaces, by presenting the new UI-524xLE-MB GigE board-level camera series with remote ...
Mit den neuen GigE-Boardlevel-Kameras der UI-524xLE-MB Serie mit abgesetztem Anschluss bietet IDS ab sofort eine L sung f r eine Integration in besonders engen ...
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Mit der UI-3140CP Rev. 2 mit dem Python 1300 CMOS-Sensor von ON Semiconductor ist bei IDS ab sofort eine weitere, sehr schnelle USB 3.0 Industriekamera erh ltli...
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Industrial camera manufacturer IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH and STEMMER ...
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The Future Vision Day is an imaging event in London organised by IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH, global market leader in USB industrial cameras. Users of ...
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