Half-year liquidity contract statement for LAGARDERE SCA LAGARD RE SCA
French partnership limited by shares with a capital of 799 913 044.60
Registered office : 4 rue de Presbourg Paris 16 me (75)
320 366 446 R.C.S. on the Paris Trade and Companies Register
In accordance with the provisions of the French Financial Markets Authority s decision n 2018-01 of 2 July 2018 establishing liquidity contracts as an accepted market practice (the "AMF Decision"), LAGARDERE SCA informs the public of the implementation of the liquidity contract entered into with KEPLER CHEUVREUX, for the second half of 2019:
Resources available on December 31, 2019: 330 000 shares and 2 724 183.30
Number of executions on buy side during the semester: 1 541
Number of executions on sell side during the semester: 1 330
Traded volume on buy side during the semester: 766 768 shares for 15 543 576.92
Traded volume on sell side during the semester: 556 768 shares for 11 291 097.19
As a reminder the implementation of the liquidity contract for the first half-year of 2019 was as follows:
- Resources available on June 30, 2019: 120 000 shares and 6 981 203.13
- Number of executions on buy side during the semester: 633
- Number of executions on sell side during the semester: 987
- Traded volume on buy side during the semester: 320 706 shares for 7 273 963.88
- Traded volume on sell side during the semester: 433 206 shares for 10 166 123.45
On October 7, 2008, date of signature of the liquidity contract, the resources available were 0 share and 20 000 000, the amount allocated to the contract being then reduced to 10 000 000 as from March 1, 2014;
LAGARDERE SCA and KEPLER CHEUVREUX signed on April 3, 2019 an amendment to the liquidity contract, applicable as from January 1, 2019, in order to reflect changes in and to comply with regulations and notably the AMF Decision.
On January 2, 2020, LAGARDERE SCA made an additional contribution of 2,776,986 to the liquidity contract entrusted to KEPLER CHEUVREUX.
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