Test our new generation of products at NAB! wTVision will be presenting its new software framework at NAB Show (April 24-27), in Las Vegas, and that includes the latest releases of its main products (ChannelMaker V5, Studio CG V5 and FootballStats CG V5) but also the first public presentation of ChannelMaker-in-the-Cloud, a fully hosted cloud playout system, based on Amazon Web Services Infrastructure, announced last month. Visit us at NAB Show for free, at the booth SL8130, using our guest pass code: LV9662.
The new software framework was designed to overcome some limitations of the past and is the result of many years of learning and accumulated knowledge. It comes with a new and fresh interface, much more intuitive and user friendly. Like the rest of wTVision's products and services, the V5 generation is very flexible and allows a smooth integration with the rest of its products and a large range of third parties.
FootballStats CG V5 is a scouting system and an on-air graphics controller, part of the SportStats CG products; Studio CG V5 is a powerful PCR solution to manage and control on-air graphics and videos on newscasts and live studio shows; and ChannelMaker V5 is one of the most flexible playout automation solutions in the market. Finally, ChannelMaker-in-the-Cloud is based on the latest version of wTVision's playout automation solution and will open up a complete new range of possibilities for broadcasters worldwide.
ChannelMaker-in-the-Cloud, which is entirely hosted in Amazon Web Services, sequences and plays out clips previously uploaded to Amazon Simple Storage Service, mixing them with state of the art 3D graphics overlays and encoding everything to an output stream that is sent to a channel distribution center. The successful tests showcased the power of wTVisions mixed environment tools where local station media can be automatically detected by wTVisions Media Agent and uploaded to Amazon without user intervention, making it immediately available for sequencing. The innovative system was successfully tested for the first time in December and will be presented to the public at NAB Show. The flexibility of ChannelMaker, that allows broadcasters to easily create, optimize or expand a TV channel, will now enter a new phase in which portability will be key.
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